Paid Search
Paid search is the fastest growing, and generally the most effective online acquisition channel available today. Dominated by Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, MSN AdCenter and Ask.com Sponsored Listings, it would appear a fairly straightforward medium to master. Welcome to the moving target that is paid search.
In the twelve months starting September 2005, MSN, Ask.com, and Yahoo will have all completely altered their paid search business models. Google, always wary of losing its number-one market position, has implemented an endless stream of new features and options. How do you stay on top and ensure that your paid search campaign is maximizing its potential? Propellant.
From complex, multi-million dollar campaigns to boot strapping start-ups, Propellant delivers scalable, efficient, and profitable programs. Paid search is not “set it and forget it,” and we identify each step in the purchase process to tailor unique strategies. High exposure and brand awareness, consideration phase positioning, and utilizing the right copy to trigger the sale. All critical pieces Propellant ties together into one transparent, paid-search juggernaut.
Don’t let the paid search machine run your program -- take control.
Organic Search
Probably the most misunderstood and underutilized acquisition and branding channel is organic search. It is under-funded, pushed to the side, and largely ignored at many companies that should know better. At Propellant, we help demystify and monetize this channel like never before.
Organic search is surprisingly simple when broken into its three core elements. Site structure determines whether or not a search engine can index your site and content properly. Content drives visitor interest, stickiness, and your value proposition. Finally, promotion makes sure you are fully leveraging resources adopted in site structure and content.
Propellant doesn’t offer any magic bullets. What we will do is evaluate and prioritize your organic program. We will help you assign budget and ROI expectations to this “Wild West” promotional tool. Your IT department will be consulted to ensure complete search engine index-ability. Copywriters and marketing personnel will be briefed on effective content development for the web. Finally, Propellant provides a plan for actively marketing your web properties in the organic channel.
Organic search isn’t sexy and it isn’t short-term fix. Propellant ensures you are positioned for long-term return and profitability.